Friday, 3 May 2013

Make a difference

Yesterday, my friends and I went to go see the documentary Revolution. I strongly recommend everyone to go see this movie. It's rated G so perfect to bring the whole family and open up your eyes. This documentary follows Rob Steward around the world on his quest to raise awareness on the dying ecosystem and the possible extinction of humans. Too often I find myself grabbing my car keys to go to  friends houses that are 5 minutes away, or buying non local organic produce because it's cheaper. Plugging into the TV, laptop or Iphone rather than enjoying the outdoors. Buying new clothes when my old ones are still perfectly fine to still wear. We're all guilty one way or another of these bad habits. After watching this documentary I am going to try to be more aware of my consumptions, walk whenever I can or carpool, and to cut back on my shower times.

photos from here
Little changes we can all do:
1. Cut back on red meats and dairy
2. Shop locally whether its produce or clothing
3. Walk whenever possible
4. Cut back on shower times
5. Be more aware of where we get our products from

Watch the trailer here: Revolution

You can check out your carbon footprint here

Together we can change the way the world views the future

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