Thursday 18 April 2013

Top 10- Bucket List

A few years ago I started writing down a list of things I wanted to accomplish before I died. My list has now made it to the 70s and along the way I have crossed quite a few things off. I thought I'd give you a look at my top 10 things I have yet to do. This list isn't in any order of importance, I just write things down as they come to me.

1. Graduate University (soon to be crossed off)
2. Chase the summer
3. Visit all the Continents (I've been to 3: North America, Europe and Australia)
4.Volunteer in Africa
5. Move to Italy/ Learn Italian
6. Take a sign language class
7. Win at Quiz Night
8. Meet the Red Hot Chili Peppers
9. Go on the Ellen Degeneres Show
10. Swim with the Dolphins or Sharks

What are some of the things on your list? 


  1. I'd love to travel around Italy, live abroad (which I will be doing in September!!), own a designer handbag - among other things!
    l'm excited to follow you and I would be so excited to have you check out my blog if you have a spare moment and if you like what you see, follow back? I'm just getting it all up and running now so it's early days :)

  2. Interesting blog!

    What do you think about following each other? GFC,FB,Twitter?

    ciao xoxo!

  3. Definetely a great list *-*

